Thursday, September 17, 2009

Swine Flu Hoax

Swine Flu Vaccine


Thimerosal aka Mercury

Nonoxynol 9 aka spermacide
(for you safe sex peeps)

Aborted fetal cells

Animal tissues

click the links sucker

The new H1N1 vaccine is coming, maybe forcibly to a city near you. Arm yourself (no pun intended) with the facts b4 you succumb to big pharma and corporate media hype.
The vaccine manufacturers are enjoying immunity arising from lawsuits for wrongful death (hmmm I wonder why?), the US gov't alone has spent billions to buy ingredients for a strand of flu no more serious than what you get every year (not me I don't sick). To date only 593 people have died in the US from the H1N1 virus, most with other underlying health problems, according to the CDC the "normal" flu kills around 36,000 every year.
Sounds like a pandemic to me!!!
As the cash register keeps ringing for big pharma (can you say BAILOUT children), this has all makings of gov't sponsored fear mongering and media paranoia (can you say War on Terror children).
This is nothing more than a contrived pandemic which will be directly or indirectly caused by mutated viruses arising from the vaccine or a release of something more sinister (can you say EUGENICS children).
The point is don't believe me, do your own research (just google it lazy ass) and make an informed decision, before becoming a guinea PIG or worse......
Stay Informed, Seek the Truth....
Aaron Ochoa--studio1403


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